The Problem Theory Cover - hikmetyolcu.com


Needs give rise to problems, problems threaten, threats create the need for information, information creates need of motivation 🙇🏼 , and motivation give rise to action ⚔

🔎 Glossary of this section :

It is helpful to become familiar with the terms before you start reading. As a reminder, relevant definitions will be included at the beginning of each section.

1) What is “knowledge” ?

It is the total set of information, experience and skills that the person has involved in solving a problem.

2) What is “problem” ?

It is a situation of lack of knowledge that will cause loss to the person and / or lead to the destruction of a possible gain if it cannot be solved and overcome. In short, it is a threat of absence (loss).

3) What is “source” ?

It is the limited resources such as energy, time and money required for the acquisition of knowledge to reach a solution.

4) What is “difficulty” ?

It refers to the total energy and effort to be spent on each experience and skill that is missing from the total amount of knowledge required to overcome the obstacle. The more resources the total knowledge requirement requires, the higher the level of difficulty.

6) What is “struggle” ?

It expresses the effort given against all the difficulties encountered in the process until the solution of the problem.

5) What is “motivation” ?

It is the discomfort and/or willingness of the person to eliminate the problem in the face of the possibility of loss or gain caused by each problem. The level of this state of discomfort and willingness will be the main factor that determines whether the person will take action or not. Thus, motivation is the concept that expresses having enough willingness and discomfort to act.dır.

For now, let’s add this diagram here. Then let’s deepen step by step…

what is The Problem Theory - hikmetyolcu.com

As we saw in the previous section, one of the main parts that make us who we are is our needs, and they are constantly changing shape. So much so that this creates a dynamism in life. Thus, every time a need arises, a problem arises with it. Whether we can overcome the problems is about whether we have knowledge with that problem. If we have knowledge, it is not a problem for us to satisfy that need, and since we already have the knowledge, we can quickly move towards a solution. So it’s relatively easy for us. However, for every situation in which we do not have knowledge, we need to go through the discovery stages again, fully experience the solution of the problem. That means more resources, more challenges. Now let us enter the second circle, the “Problem Theory”, one of the basic dynamics of life that will add meaning to this whole process of discovery and experience.


What’s “the problem” ?

It is a situation of lack of knowledge that will cause loss to the person and / or lead to the destruction of a possible gain if it cannot be solved and overcome. In short, it is a threat of absence (loss).

A problem can only be solved with 100% knowledge.

what is the problem theory- hikmetyolcu.com
Problem Solution Visulation

This theory holds that we cannot solve any problem 100%, that is, completely, if we do not have 100% knowledge. What percentage of knowledge we have with the problem, we can only solve that percentage. For example, if you have 65% knowledge in a subject, you can only solve it up to 65%. You will need to get more knowledge and experience with the problem to get the complete solution. Thus, when you get the remaining 35%, you will now have 100% knowledge, that is, the solution, within the framework of the relevant problem.

First Bias: It may seem strange to you at first glance that it cannot be solved without having 100% knowledge. Oh, you can say that I solved this problem by learning only 35% without having to learn everything. However, the point you are missing here is that you already have 65% of it.

Problem Solution ✅ = 100% Knowledge with Problem Solving (Info + Experience + Skill)

What’s is science ?

To express science in its simplest form, “It is to make the unknown known.”

So you’re doing science every time you solve problems. But to be doing science, you need to discover new information that hasn’t been discovered, solving unsolved problems. When you do that, you’re a scientist. This can be achieved by acquiring an existing complex system of knowledge and solving a more complex problem at the next level with all the acquired knowledge, or by the discovery of new awareness in a completely different field, perhaps in an area that has never been touched. In any case, all efforts are respectable.

Let’s explain this theory in terms of a very simple example. Let’s say your problem is not finding a pharmacy and you have a dialogue with a person like this:

  • – Hello sir, is there a pharmacy around?
  • + Hello, follow this road straight, towards the end of the road you will see a grocery store on the left, when you enter the street on the first left after passing that grocery store, there is a health center, you can see your work in one of the pharmacies just opposite.
  • – Thanks, good afternoon.
  • + Have a nice day.

When we examine this dialogue, we are probably sick and we see the doctor and get a prescription and we need to get our medicines.

We need: Getting rid of microorganisms that harm us and getting back to our health,
Problem: Not being able to find a pharmacy,
Solution: Medicines (pharmacy).

In this case, the need for information arises and we consult someone we see on the road, who helps us to find our way by giving a directive like the one we saw above, helping us to solve our problem by transferring 4 simple information snippets in total.

  1. Follow this path straight, Σ (1/4) 25%
  2. Towards the end of the road you will see a grocery store on the left, Σ (2/4) = 50%
  3. When you enter the street on the first left after passing that grocery store, there is a health clinic, Σ (3/4) = 75%
  4. You can see your business in one of the pharmacies just opposite. Σ (4/4) = 100%

When we look at it here now, if we keep only two of these 4 information in mind and cannot remember the aftermath, we will only remember 50% of the information and we may be surprised whether to enter the right or left after the grocery store at the end of the road, in which case we need to get the remaining 50%, that is, the 3rd and 4th information, so that we can reach the pharmacy (solution).

Let’s take another example:

An example of the simplest is if you are learning to read and write and you are going to read the name “AHMET”. There are 5 letters in this name, so 5 pieces of information. These are, respectively,

  1. A Σ (1/5) 20%
  2. H Σ (2/5) 40%
  3. M Σ (3/5) 60%
  4. E Σ (4/5) 80%
  5. T Σ (5/5) 100%

In order to read this name, we would need to conquer every particle of information. How is A pronounced ? How is H, M, E, T How ? Only when we acquire the individual pronunciation of each of them can we read it all.

The fact that we do not know a single letter causes us to be unable to read. In fact, this is how information systems are.
We can only solve problems that we have knowledge and experience with.
If we can’t tackle a problem, it doesn’t mean we’re incompetent, it means we lack knowledge there!

A lot of people say, I think, I think, but I can’t get out of it, I can’t overcome the problem.
🔎The reason for this is quite clear:

Man is the most basic production mechanism, and a production mechanism without an input cannot be an output!

So what is input and output for man?

Input = It is the experience and knowledge obtained thanks to the data received through the five sense organs.

Output = Science, Technology, Art and many other human concrete and abstract information systems and solutions that occur as a result of reaching a simple solution or finding solutions to more complex problems by using the cumulative information obtained as a result of knowledge (Information, Experience, Skill).

In addition, all kinds of emotional changes, insight, feelings that occur in the individual are the outputs that occur as a result of the analysis, translation and interpretation of the data received with the five sense organs.

Therefore, when a person encounters a problem, he must reach more information and experience about the problem in order to overcome this problem. Whatever one’s input is, one’s output tends to be in that direction. This is related to the working mechanism of the human brain, that is, our operating system. We’ll cover this broadly in our next section, “Learning.”


What is “risk” ?

It is the probability that the event to take place will deviate from the expectation.

What is “expectation” ?

It is the thought and feeling that an event or phenomenon will take place in a certain direction.


Expectation is shaped by the proportion of knowledge owned.
The less knowledge we have, the more likely it is that our expectation will deviate from the truth.
Therefore, our risk will be higher in the action we will take.
The more knowledge we acquire, the closer our expectation will be to reality, and the uncertainty will be reduced to the contrary.
In this way, the probability of making mistakes will decrease and our ability to solve will increase.

what is the risk, what is the problem theory- hikmetyolcu.com

If we know 30% about a problem, 30% of it is known and 70% is unknown. There is a 70% risk of initiative.


what is the complete Uncertainty, what is the problem theory- hikmetyolcu.com

The existence of the problem means that there is a lack of experience and knowledge. Wherever there is no knowledge, there is an environment of complete uncertainty, and as experience and knowledge are gained step by step, expectations take shape again and again. Any unfinished, i.e. uncertain, situation is open to interpretation, can contain both the greatest treasures and the most terrifying scenarios, and usually everything that is left unfinished is completed by the brain with the highest fantasies and perfection.

The more ambiguous something is, the closer it is to fantasies!

So much so that these fantasies can be the most pleasurable or the most terrifying experiences.

The factor that determines this is the direction of the person’s expectation. In complete uncertainty, when there is no knowledge, the person is often unaware of it. Perhaps he is perhaps not even aware of the term involved. After realizing it, he begins to acquire the first knowledge and experiences, then it is put through internal judgment whether the information he acquires step by step will benefit or harm him.

Then, if the person expects benefit from this uncertainty, he feels “excitement” and if he expects harm, he feels “fear”.

The strengthening or sustainability of the excitement can only be sustainable when the excitement generated by the expectation of “benefit” in the flow of the acquired knowledge and experience feels the benefit at a similar level as a result of the uncertainty becoming certain. As a result of discovering a higher level of benefit, the excitement becomes stronger. But as uncertainty becomes specific, excitement weakens if it is felt that the benefit initially discovered and perceived actually offers a lower amount of benefit. Even if sufficient benefits are no longer perceived, they can disappear completely. For example, the masked state of a possible partner who attracts your attention may affect you, but the appearance of him after lowering the mask can destroy all your excitement in an instant. On the other hand, there is a possibility that even a situation that was initially excited will turn from excitement into a state of fear as it becomes specific. This happens when the person discovers that the situation in which he expects benefit in the first place becomes certain and that he will actually be harmed. For example, cases of scams. The state of fear can also turn into excitement. These situations are dynamic in this way, and they can change places.

How sustainably we can take an action and how committed we will remain shows a similar momentum. In this case, there are different factors such as whether the action can be overcome, the adaptation of the difficulties to skills and capacity development, and according to the extent to which the actions we perform benefit us, it becomes clear whether we will like the work and whether we will abandon it. We’ll revisit this in the following sections.

❗ Yes, in this section, we have taken human beings as the main factor of production and examined many issues such as uncertainty, learning, expectation, risk, fantasies by compiling, conceptualizing and conceptualizing them in the context of their relationships with each other. This chapter is very important in that it is the basis for most of the following sections, and in the following chapters, references will be made to this section and independent and sequelative concepts and theories will be conveyed.


We have discovered that we cannot overcome any problem that we have not known so far and that we need general knowledge and experience to be able to interpret. Since life is a bundle of problems and the only thing we do from the moment we are born until we die is to solve problems, which of our needs do we pay more attention to and to what extent can we solve the problems arising from these needs? We go through similar paths and battle for our lives. So what is our real battle and with what? What do we dedicate our two days of life to? Why do some of us swim in prosperity while others sink in misery? Here is “Welfare”, perhaps the ultimate point that each of us is trying to solve and try to reach. If we define the “Welfare Problem” as the ultimate and main problem, the achievements of each of us in practice are quite different. So, after getting to know this theory, what do you think is our main difference? Let me tell you, access to and acquisition of knowledge, that is, the quality of our learning, and of course our awareness. As we make the unknown known, we increase our awareness. Awareness is the most important thing in this life. Even the end of us is due to our inability to realize the fundamental problem that destroys us, and even if we do, we cannot develop a solution to the problem. Some things that can’t be turned back, maybe we can translate ! We just don’t know. So let’s realize that:

“Impossible is impossible until someone comes out and shows it’s possible !”

In the next section, we will examine the learning processes that are the main function in the problem solving process and how we can make this process more effective. Let’s meet you in the next section, where we will gain many insights on learning and the human brain, see you !


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